The coach education team visited EDGA member federation Golf Saudi to deliver training to occupational therapists and physiotherapists in the KSA cities of both Riyadh and Jeddah, to support new participation at community level and drive wider participation at local golf facilities.
EDGA Education team quote: “This element of sampler delivery helps to showcase the many health benefits that golf can provide for people living with impairment and disabilities. Providing Physiotherapists with golf specific participant and introducer skills, will have a significant impact in driving more players into the game”.
Golf Saudi quote: “Getting golf onto the menu of sporting options and having a trained workforce to deliver these game based introductory sessions is pivotal in supporting our wider mass participation projects“.
The two facilities received training for over thirty staff members, with Golf Saudi providing soft golf equipment for the newly trained workforce to facilitate ongoing training provision for people living with disabilities under their care.
“It was a very nice opportunity to have the EDGA coaches providing the training to our Rehabilitation therapists, The team enjoyed it a lot and we will make sure that this is going to be the start for future activities that supports the patients to be engaged in the community, activities and sports that reflect positively on their quality of life”.
Both facilities are now engaged in delivering golf rehabilitation opportunities and have even created a facility “SBAHC Golf Club” for patients to continue with their outreach sessions which will progress to further sessions at local golf facilities. All attending therapists will also attend a Golf Saudi golf event in May to assist with growing awareness of the many health benefits of golf and the participation pathway which is available to people living with disabilities in KSA.
“We really noticed how it reflects positively on their mood, socialization with other and even being more active to do their regular therapeutic exercises“. Ahmad Zahran, Rehabilitation Clinical Supervisor, SBAHC Universal Accessibility and Ergonomics
For further information on education and training opportunities please contact the EDGA education team.