The EDGA Development Team recently visited Sweden to conduct further research into the production of equipment which will help reduce entry participation barriers for seated golfers entering the sport. Mark Taylor, PGA Fellow Professional and EDGA’s Head of Instruction and Education worked alongside David Leet PGA of Sweden, who’s expertise in club fitting assisted in the development of test equipment which could help in bringing equipment to market which will maximise playability from a seated position.
The team then moved to the nearby Ljunghusen Golf Club, where Mark and Markus Westerberg from deWiz carried out further research and collected important metrics using the deWiz device.
This research data will be collated and utilised in future coach education, to justify how seated players can maximise speed and provide coaches with evidence based research on how they can better support golfers who play from a seated position.
EDGA would like to thank deWiz for their support and hosting of the research, also David Leet for his club fitting expertise and valuable contribution to this project.